Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa iwi trust announced the acquisition of the 103 year old paper on Thursday, through its commercial entity.
The Eden Park event is expected to host up to 10,000 participants who will perform the world-famous haka Ka Mate, composed by Te Rauparaha, chief of Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) added a few kupu Māori into its pages in Septembers update, coincidentally lining up with te wiki o te Reo Māori.
PPTA Māori vice president Te Aomihia Taua-Glassie said with this year's theme being ‘Ake ake ake - a forever language’, Aotearoa needed to commit.
Groups interested in the Whangārei coastline have had their evidence heard in the Whangārei High Court as part of the second phase of the Marine and Coastal Act applications.
Science agency NIWA has opened its detailed climate projections to the public.
Justice Mathew Downs set a trial date down for February 2026 and remanded him in custody.
Detective Inspector Dave de Lange said Hawke’s Bay police arrested an Auckland man today and charged him with the murder of Rigby.
Rates of the disease are on the rise and hitting Māori and Pasifika the hardest.
Those charged include 17 gang officeholders, 10 patched members and 14 prospects.