Rangatahi | Music

Makayla releases ‘Nature of Love’ under Six60’s label

Makayla’s releases ‘Nature of Love’ under Six60’s label

Ko te manu tīoriori o Te Matau ā-Māui, ko Makayla Purcell-Mainini tērā kua whakarewa i tana waiata hou, ko Nature of Love.

I kitea tuatahitia ia e Six60 ki runga i a Tiktok, ka mutu, koinei tana waiata takitahi tuatahi i raro i a Massive Records.

He uri tēnei nā Kahungunu, nā Te Whakatōhea, ka mutu, i whakatōkia te aroha ki te waiata me te whakangahau i te tangata nōna i Te Kura o Mangateretere.

Telling the truth about love through waiata

“Nature of Love is a vibey way to tell the truth about love and the challenges that can come with loving somebody,” she said.

“It can be amazing, but it can also come with hardship, and it can be confusing.”

The track was written at a Massive Records writing camp alongside Matiu Walters, Nico & Vinz, and Matt Sadgrove of Sons of Zion, who you can hear in the backing vocals.

Makayla says she’s happy with the song as her first personal release; she feels really lucky, and it’s been “absolutely insane” working with such amazing artists. She’s discovered a lot about herself as an artist, learning from their music processes and years of experience.

“To have them help new emerging artists like myself, they’re giving love that they didn’t really receive when they first started.”

He mea hora tāna waiata ‘Poi Tukua’ ki runga TikTok

I ākina a Makayla kia tū ia hei kanohi mō te waiata ‘Poi Tukua,’ he waiata whakatairanga i te ahurea Māori i te whakataetae whanapoikiri o te ao mā ngā wāhine i te tau 2023.

Ka rere hoki ngā mihi whakamānawa a Purcell-Mainini mō tēnei wheako nōna e mahi tahi ana ki a Kahurangi Hinewehi Mohi rāua ko Tā Tīmoti Kāretu.

Me te mea hoki, ko te reo Māori te kauwaka o tana karere ki ngā wāhine toa o te motu.

Ka mutu, i tino hora te waiata ki ngā pae pāhopori.

“I hoped that it would take off the way that it did,” she said.

“The reach that you can get on TikTok is massive... it’s an amazing platform to utilise and that’s kind of how I started too; posting waiata is how I became known.”

E rua tekau mā tahi tau te pakeke o Makayla, ā, i uia te pātai me he kōrero akiaki tōna ki ngā rangatahi e para nei te huarahi matihiko, e whai reo ai rātou i tēnei ao hurihuri.

“Be yourself, wake up every day with a goal, and be proud of who you are, always,” she said.

“As long as you’re spreading positivity and aroha and you’re wanting to help people, and you just strive to be authentic, you’ve got it in the bag.”

Makayla to open for Six60 again and a future showcasing te reo Māori

Following Makayla’s Purapura Whetū—Stars of Matariki performance in 2023, she joined Six60’s Grassroots tour last year.

On October 25, she will be opening for Six60 again at Shed 530 Winery in her hometown.

The songwriter definitely sees herself releasing more songs in te reo Māori

“It’s something I want to carry with me for the rest of my life and abroad,” she said.

Te Aniwaniwa Paterson
Te Aniwaniwa Paterson

Te Aniwaniwa is a digital producer for Te Ao Māori News.

Riria Dalton-Reedy
Riria Dalton-Reedy

Riria Dalton-Reedy (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Uepōhatu, Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu) is a reporter for Te Ao Māori News. She has an interest in telling rangatahi and community stories. If you want to share your kōrero, email her at