Being one of the 40 chosen to perform at Te Matatini is a significant achievement, but for those who aren’t selected, the reality can be tough.
Te Matatini is the pinnacle of kapa haka excellence, and with the high level of competition, come the challenges that kaihaka face.
Kaihaka spend months preparing for the stage, but sometimes they don’t make the final cut for the performing team.
This puts pressure on both performers and tutors alike.
Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti tutor Thomas Mitai says it can be difficult for everyone involved.
He mentions that Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti had 90 people auditioning for this Te Matatini campaign, and as a tutor, it’s important to set clear expectations.
While competition is a key focus, he adds that there are other valuable benefits to participating in haka

“Te tuku kōrero, ngā hītori, ngā whakapono. Ka tareka ngā kaihaka katoa ki te mau i ēnā āhuatanga. Ngā pūrākau, ngā kōrero, ka mau mo āke tonu atu”
Ehara a Diane Nikara i te tauhou ki ēnei wero, he āhuatanga kua wheakotia kētia nōnā i te kapa toa o Te Waka Huia.
Hei tāna he nui noa atu ngā painga o ngā mahi haka, ā, hei tāna, me tino rongo te kapa i te taera ārahi o ngā Pouako
“Good leaders will prep you for either way. Not everyone can make it to the stage. If you’re passionate about performing, don’t go away, don’t leave. Whilst the national stage is important. It’s not the end all or be all” she said
Hei tā te mema o Te Pāti Māori, Pouako haka hoki a Takuta Ferris, ko ngā uauatanga ka pā ki ngā kaihaka he momo whakapakari anō i a tātou
“Ērā kōrero, tangata ākona ki te kāinga tūria ki te marae, tau ana. Kei te mārama rawa atu ki tērā kōrero, ko te hua nui o ērā mahi.
Kapa haka often involves people from different generations, which can strengthen intergenerational connection and provide emotional support across age groups.
The kaihaka and tutors we interviewed all conceded that the relationships and learning of their traditional stories and practices are linked to improved mental health.