Toitū Te Tiriti spokesman Eru Kapa-Kingi is warning Māori that ACT’s Regulatory Standards Bill could be the real killer of Māori rights as enshrined in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Kapa-Kingi made the revelation on day 1 of the Waitangi Forum tent.
Last week, Toitū te Tiriti submitted a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal named ‘Tomokia ngā Tatau o Mātangireia.’
Kapa-Kingi described the claim as a potential class-action lawsuit, allowing Māori to join the legal action.
Kapa-Kingi said the claim comes amid growing concerns among Māori communities about the potential impacts of the legislation on their rights and resources.
“E mahi huna ana, e mahi kuhu ana tēnei pire. He niho ōna he niho āta wetewete, āta ngau hoki i ngā ture o te wā.”
“He mana nui kei roto i a ia, ki te āta arotake i ngā take, āe, e kōrero ana mō te Tiriti o Waitangi.”
“Kia mārama ai tātou, he aha te aha? I te mea kāhore e tāua he Māori i tonoa ki roto ki ngā kōrero ki roto ki ngā rūma e hāngaia ai i tēnei mea.”
“Nō reirā, koirā te mataara nui i te wā nei,”
He aha tēnei mea te pire waeture?
E ai ki te kōrero, he whānui rawa te hāngai o te pire waeture kei kōkiritia e te rōpū ACT, ka mutu, koiā hoki tētahi o ngā kaupapa i whakaaetia e te rōpū Nāhinara ki roto i tana kirimana, e tū ai te kāwanatanga haumi.
Heoi anō, kāore pea i te mōhiotia whānuitia, he aha pū anō tōna pānga ki te Māori, otirā, ki te mana o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
E ai ki te Manatū Waeture ki roto i tētahi tuhinga whakamārama i ngā pānga o te ture;
“This discussion document uses ʻregulationʼ to encompass any government intervention that is intended to direct or influence people’s behaviour, or how they interact with each other. ʻRegulationʼ therefore includes, but is not limited to, legislation.”
Hei tā Kapa-Kingi, kīhai te kāwanatanga i hui ngātahi ki te iwi Māori ki te kōrero i ngā pānga o te pire nei ki te Māori.
“Māku e kī, koia tēnei, ko te tuakana o tērā pire [o ngā mātāpono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi], i te mea he nui ngā kōiriiri o roto.”
“Te Pire mō te Tiriti, te pire o te wā, māku e kī, koia tēnā ko tētahi rautaki e mau ai te titiro o te iwi.”
Nā, koia i ākina ai te iwi, kia whakawhirinaki mai rātou ki tēnei tono kua whakatakotoria ki te aroaro o te rōpū whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
“Ko te tono ki ngā iwi, heoi anō haina mai tō ingoa ki runga ki tēnei kerēme. Nā, ka ea tō kī ki ō mokopuna o te wā, “i ‘sue koe’ i te kāwana. He ‘class action Māori’ nei mō tēna o tēna.”