Politics | Koroneihana

Watch: Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s speech at koroneihana

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was the last politician to speak at the koroneihana today.

He confirmed National would not support ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill.

“I want to be clear here today that National will not support the Treaty Principles Bill beyond the first reading.”

This was a hot topic throughout the pōwhiri, with Te Arataura chair Tuku Morgan asking earlier in the day where National and New Zealand First sat with their coalition partners’ proposal.

NZ First MP, Shane Jones confirmed during his whaikōrero, NZ First wouldn’t vote for it beyond its introduction into Parliament.

Luxon, directly speaking to Kiingi Tūheitia, said he had listened to what iwi had said at the National Iwi Leaders Forum.

“They talked about their greatest asset being their people, they talked about economic opportunity, and success in farming, forestry and housing and development.

“They talked about social well-being, culture, reo, and identity. They talked about localism and evolution in Māori delivering for Māori.

“I think we are making traction in many of those issues, we are rebuilding the economy, we have delivered tax relief and inflation and interest rates are coming down, helping both Māori and non-Māori lower the cost of living.

“Our social investment programme ... will drive community-led outcomes and strengthen partnership with iwi who are best placed to deliver and secure better social outcomes for their people.”

Watch the Prime Minister’s full speech in the video above.