Politics | Kirikiriroa

Hamilton’s new Māori ward councillor sworn in after landslide win

Hamilton’s newest city councillor Maria Huata was sworn in today. Photo: Hamilton City Council

Kirikiriroa’s newest city councillor, Maria Huata (Ngāti Apakura, Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whakaue), was sworn in today after a landslide win in the byelection.

The Māori ward byelection came after previous councillor Melaina Huaki resigned for health reasons.

Huata had won with 806 votes, with her closest runner-up Horiana Henderson receiving 422.

“The critical factor to our success was that I know my community, and my community knows me. And that 47 years of being a kanohi kitea, a familiar face, kaupapa-driven and active in the community, is immeasurable, priceless and significantly important,” Huata said

She said the biggest challenge for Hamilton City Council was recognising that what benefited Māori also benefited everyone else.

“Let us work together, dream together and plan together, so the wellbeing of our environment is paramount, to ensure our future generations are socially, economically and culturally sound.”

‘A wealth of experience’

She was only approached for the role less than two months ago and asked to throw her hand into the ring.

“After getting the green light from my mum, and my husband’s unending encouragement and belief in my ability to do this job, I said yes.”

Mayor Paula Southgate is pleased to have Huata join the city council, and to hear her passion for tackling some of the issues facing Kirikiriroa communities.

“It is great to have her on the team. She brings a strong passion for rangatahi, youth, and a strong skill set. This will bring strength to the council,” Southgate said.

Tainui leader Professor Tom Roa (Ngaati Maniapoto, Waikato) said he was looking forward to what might occur moving into the future.

“She has a wealth of experience that not only recognises what is happening in our world today but also brings an understanding of what has happened in our world in the past.”