Politics | Mental Health

Applications open for $10m mental health and addiction fund

Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey.

Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey is encouraging iwi-based and other kaupapa Māori organisations to apply for the first round of the new $10 million Mental Health and Addiction Community Sector Innovation Fund.

The minister launched the first round worth $5 million today.

Doocey said the fund was an opportunity for non-government organisations (NGOs) and community mental health and addiction providers to receive extra funding for initiatives that will increase access to better mental health support.

“The Innovation Fund was inspired while listening to grassroots organisations who are already delivering for their communities.

“Investing in our hard-working NGO and community mental health and addiction providers will support this government’s priority focus on increasing access to mental health and addiction support, growing the mental health and addiction workforce, strengthening the focus on prevention and early intervention, and improving the effectiveness of mental health and addiction support.

“The request for proposals for the first round of $5 million funding will open today on the Government Electronic Tender Service. I encourage providers, including iwi-based and other Kaupapa Māori providers, to consider submitting proposals to this open contestable procurement process.

“This investment supports the government’s strong commitment to delivering better mental health and addiction outcomes for New Zealanders,” Doocey wrote in a statement.

The first batch of contracts for round one are expected to be starting by early November.