Politics | Fisheries

Shane Jones heads to Solomons to discuss Pacific fisheries

Photo / NZ Herald

Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones is in the Solomon Islands today meeting fellow ministers from around the Pacific to bolster collective efforts in managing the region’s fisheries.

The trip kicks off the 23rd Pacific Islands Forum fisheries committee and the fifth regional fisheries ministers’ meeting in Honiara this week.

Jones said a large portion of tuna catch from the western and central Pacific Ocean was caught within the exclusive economic zones of members of the Forum Fisheries Committee.

“This resource provides enormous economic benefit to the Pacific region. It’s crucial that, as members of the forum fisheries committee, we share common approaches to sustainably managing these fisheries so they continue to benefit the people who rely on them,”

The Forum fisheries committee is the governing body for the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency and over the years has supported members at national and regional levels.

Jones said geopolitical shifts, economic challenges and the impacts of climate change were some of the common issues on fisheries in the Pacific.

“New Zealand’s work with members also includes improving working standards for crew on fishing vessels, fisheries compliance monitoring, and deterring illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the region.”

It brought together 17 ministers working together on the sustainable management of the Pacific’s fisheries resources.

“This visit is a good opportunity to engage with my colleagues from across the Pacific to strengthen our shared commitment to looking after our fisheries and working together to solve issues that affect the region.”