National | LGBTQIA+

Taranaki drag queen: Rainbow community ‘under threat from Destiny Church’

Coco and Erika Flash reading to kids (Supplied / Haus Of Flash Ltd)

AFAB drag performer Sunita Torrance (Coco Flash in drag) has hit out saying the Aotearoa queer community is “under attack by Destiny Church.”

In a statement, Torrance voices her “disgust” at what she alleges is the physical intimidation and defamation allegedly caused by the church, against her and her fellow performer.

“They are attacking us simply because we’re part of New Zealand’s very legitimate and widely accepted rainbow community.”

A few days ago Rainbow Storytime’s NZ nationwide tour was officially cancelled.

Coco and Erika Flash Performing (Supplied / Haus Of Flash Ltd)

“That’s unbelievable in this day and age, but I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised when it comes to Destiny Church.

“They do seem to set the bar very low when it comes to hate speech and threatening behaviour against anyone or thing with which their narrow-minded sect disagrees,” Torannce alleges in the statement.

Her co-star, Daniel Lockett, aka Erika Flash, has relocated back to the United Kingdom due to “the promises of violence” according to an Instagram post the pair made.

‘Lies, lies, lies’

Bishop Brian Tamaki is taking issue with councils spending money on rainbow initiatives. Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver

Destiny’s Bishop Brian Tamaki has taken to X to say the articles appearing today about the recent cancellations of the National Rainbow Storytimes were “lies, lies, lies.

“NZ Media lie & collude with Drag Queens! Almost simultaneously all of the big MSM outlets ran the same headlines against me this morning.”

Tamaki and his followers have been protesting drag queen readings over recent months.

It saw Rotorua Lakes Council and Hastings District Council cancel their Rainbow Storytime events last month, due to safety concerns and disinformation.

Destiny Church has taken ownership of being behind the recent whitewashing of the rainbow crossings in Auckland CBD and Gisborne.

The Destiny Church leader claims they had never sent death threats, bullied, or hated the drag queens.

“The drag queens should be targeting the ones hiring and firing them if they have truly suffered financial loss.”

‘Next steps’

Torrance said she was considering next steps but was determined to continue to fight for the rights of the rainbow community.

Torrance and Lockett started a Givealittle page to raise funds to take Tamaki and his church to court for what they allege is defamation.

It has raised $27,920 so far.

Meanwhile Tamaki said on X that, with the drag readings now cancelled, he was “coming for the rest. RSEs, puberty blockers, councils, [and] rainbow crossings.”

Destiny Church and Torrance have been contacted for further comment.