National | Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Former Treaty minister Chris Finlayson slams Act’s Treaty referendum idea

Finlayson describes the proposed Treaty Principles Bill as “radical”.

Dame Tariana Turia and former Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson. Photo / NZ Herald

Chris Finlayson, the former minister for Treaty of Waitangi negotiations and attorney-general, and political commentator Matthew Hooton agree on one point - the National-led government should not support Act’s Treaty referendum.

Finlayson, who held those key portfolios under former National leader Sir John Key, and NZ Herald columnist Hooton, a political analyst and advisor, said Act’s desire for a referendum would derail years of good faith bargaining and empower weirdos.

“It will bring out of the woodwork the sort of people who used to write to me and say, ‘why don’t you get cancer?’, ‘how dare you give property rights to people above their station’ or, as sometimes even happens now walking along Lambton Quay, someone will call me a ‘Māori-loving c***’,” Finlayson told current affairs host Moana Maniapoto on Te Ao with Moana.

Matthew Hooton Photo / Jason Oxenham / NZ Herald

The former politician’s unvarnished warning comes in the wake of the coalition government’s pledge to introduce a Treaty Principles Bill. Act is proposing that the Treaty principles should be put to a referendum.

Political commentator Matthew Hooton - a commentator with ties to both Act and National - agrees.

“The principles of the Treaty were put into legislation to the disadvantage of Māori because the risk was that if the Māori text was taken as authoritative, then the Crown’s not sovereign...,” Hooton said.

“You do not want to put the words ‘tino rangatiratanga’ into statute.”

Finlayson and Hooton describe the proposed Treaty Principles Bill as “radical”.

Te Ao with Moana returned for another season last week with an exploration of Waitangi Day and looked at the vocal expression of Māori fear and anger over proposed reviews of the Treaty, the Waitangi Tribunal and Act’s possible referendum

- NZ Herald