National | Technology

Tech industry falling short in representing indigenous voices

As the only Māori in the company, Aaron Ward raises issue of including more indigenous people in tech sector

Aaron Ward: Māori in tech

The technology industry is in dire need of more indigenous staffers as data reveals a shockingly low number of 4% Māori representation in tech, according to one of the few Māori in the industry.

“We should have been looking inward as a country, particularly towards growing indigenous representation and voices in the tech industry,” software as a service company Ask Nicely co-founder and chief executive Aaron Ward says.

One of the key challenges Ward highlights is the lack of quality education and resources for indigenous youth interested in pursuing careers in technology.

As Ward is the only Māori representative in his company, to combat the shortage of indigenous people in technology is to provide opportunities at the start of their careers.

He believes intervention at an early education level by sharing success stories and providing mentorship opportunities can inspire and empower rangatahi Māori to pursue careers in technology.

“If Māori see other Māori working in tech, it will become apparent that this is a legitimate career option.”

Struggling with diversity

“To discover new lands, you must first lose sight of the shore - it sums up the job of starting a technology business.”

Despite being one of the fastest-growing industries globally, technology continues to struggle with diversity, especially with indigenous people.

“People don’t realise that technology is going to be the second-largest export sector and as a sector relies upon the talented people, which is also definitely a constraint.”

Ward emphasises that addressing this issue is essential for fostering innovation as Māori and indigenous populations are natural explorers.

He says Aotearoa has the advantage of that explorer mindset, which is critical to building new technology but needs to be unlocked.

“Leveraging this cultural DNA that encourages taking risks and thinking outside the box can aid the creation of highly effective tech workers.”

Ward encourages young minds to “aim for the big” and to come up with a level of audacity and swagger, creating the possibility to build businesses that come from New Zealand.

“As we know, innovation doesn’t come from the core but rather from the edge. What’s more on the edge than Aotearoa?”