Regional | Whakatane

Waka Kotahi reprints Whakatāne signs after macron error

A sign with an incorrect macron on Whakatāne was spotted shortly after it was put up. Photo / Sophie Spod

Two new signs at the entrance of Whakatāne were quickly removed when people on social media pointed out a macron error.

The signs, on opposite signs of the road at the entrance of the town, read “Welcome to Whakātane”.

People on social media pointed out the macron was in the wrong place and the town’s name should have read “Whakatāne”.

Waka Kotahi Bay of Plenty system manager Roger Brady said “unfortunately, an error was made during the manufacturing of the new Whakatāne speed signs”.

There were two incorrect signs, one on each side of the road at 102 State Highway 30, Coastlands, in Whakatāne.

Brady said the signs were installed on Wednesday afternoon, and the contractor saw comments on social media about the incorrect macron that evening.

The sign was removed first thing on Thursday morning, the manufacturer notified, and the corrected sign installed later that afternoon.

The corrected sign in Whakatāne. Photo / Waka Kotahi

The manufacturer carried the cost of fixing the errors.

Brady said the transport agency received one official notification about it before the sign was taken down.

Brady said it was “grateful” for the quick response by the contractor and manufacturer to fix the mistake.