National | CCTV

Woman dragged from bottle shop by hair is safe - Police

A woman who was violently attacked in a Ngāruawāhia bottle shop before being dragged outside by her hair and turfed into a waiting car is safe, according to Waikato Police.

Bottle-O Ngāruawāhia shop owner Ash Parmar posted a video of the shocking assault on facebook in the weekend after the woman came in pleading for help from a man chasing her, the man entered the store shortly after, hit her and dragged her out.

“Police have located a woman pictured in CCTV footage in Ngāruawāhia over the weekend and have ensured she is safe,” a police spokesperson said today.

“Police responded immediately and made first priority tracking down the vehicle the pair were seen in after it left the scene, given the concern for the woman’s safety,” they said.

“The vehicle was located a short time later.”

Parmar said he posted the video out of desperacy because he had called police but they took 40 minutes to arrive, after the unit had to be dispatched from Cambridge because all staff in Ngāruawāhia were on other calls.

“I put it on Facebook so the community knows and they can help if they know her." he told NZME.

The man 'looked high as a kite', and continued to beat the woman despite his staff and those from the nearby takeout shop attempting to intervene, Parmar said.

“Nobody should be hit in the face like that.” he said in a Facebook post.

“She really didn’t want to go with him and he beat her before shoving her into [the] car."

Parmar has given a statement to police, who say they're investigating.

Anyone who saw the incident can call Police on 105 or visit the 10-5 website.