Regional | Peter Walters

Peter Walters: 'This is my fun thing that keeps me going'

Source / Te Ao Toa

Peter Walters is a living legend, he has been playing elite touch for over 30 years and still dominates on the field today.

"When I first started playing touch it was 1980, I was playing under 21s rugby in Auckland and they started a touch competition at the rugby club. So that's when I first got involved. And I really, really fell in love with the game," Walters says.

"One of the big things that keeps me going, and why I'm still running around today, is that this is my fun thing. This is the thing that, whether I was 20 or in my 60s now, it's always been my fun first and foremost.

"I also know the benefit it has with health and wellbeing. Just being out there, moving all the body parts, getting the heart and lungs working, yeah it's all good," he says.