Politics | Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19

New Zealand sending support to Covid hit Papua New Guinea

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New Zealand is sending a medical and logistics support team and essential supplies to provide support for Papua New Guinea with its Covid-19 crisis, Associate Foreign Minister Aupito William Sio revealed today.

This comes as the government of Delta hit Papua New Guinea formally requested humanitarian and medical support from partner governments.

“We are deeply saddened by the increasing loss of lives in Papua New Guinea due to the pandemic. New Zealand remains committed to supporting our Pacific neighbours to respond to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. By working closely with our partners in the region, we can make a tangible contribution to Covid-19 resilience,” Aupito William Sio said.

Since Covid-19 first hit last year, New Zealand has provided over $14 million in pandemic related support to Papua New Guinea.

“Most of the team departed this morning on a New Zealand Defence Force aircraft and will be based in Papua New Guinea for approximately one month,” Aupito William Sio said.

Daily infections of Covid-19 reached a new high of 975 earlier this month.  The country, which has a population of 8.9 million, has had more than 400 Covid-related deaths since the pandemic began.