National | Community Transmission

Auckland and Waikato stuck at Alert level 3; Northland drops to level 2

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirms Northland will move to Alert Level 2 with the rest of the country south of Auckland and Waikato, while Auckland and Waikato will remain at alert level 3.

The move will happen tomorrow night at 11:59pm.

"With more than 16,000 tests undertaken since the first positive case and testing across 19 wastewater sites all returning negative results, all the evidence to date suggests the individuals who tested positive in Northland have not spread it further," Ardern says.

"I would, however, ask anyone who has symptoms to get a test, and anyone still waiting to get a vaccination," she says.

For Waikato, their settings will be reviewed and updated on any change of position this Friday, October 22.

Ardern also confirmed that Auckland's level 3 settings will remain for the next two weeks, instead of the last few weekly updates.

"Based on the advice we have, any interim easing of level 3 restrictions over the coming weeks will not work towards our plan of minimising cases while we increase vaccinations."