National | Auckland City Mission

Free meal packs for homeless in Auckland City

Free meal packs are available at the Auckland City Mission during the Level 4 lockdown for homeless people in the city.

About 250 meal packs will be provided every day by Auckland Council’s catering services team during the lockdown.

Auckland Council catering operations head Tava Feagaiga is part of the team behind the packs that contain items including a filled sandwich roll, a salad bowl, sweets, fruit, muesli bar and either a scone or a muffin.

“Each lunch pack is designed to keep the recipient full for the day, so there are lots of calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches and muffins. But we also want to give people the sustenance they need, so we pop salad bowls and fruit in there too," Feagaiga says.

In 2020 the catering team provided over 50,000 meals over five months.

Pulling together

“We’re just glad we are able to help our fellow Aucklanders at a time they need us most.”

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says this is one of the ways that Aucklanders pull together during times of crisis.

“We know that lockdowns can take a toll on all of us, but for the most vulnerable in our community, it can be even harder. That’s why it’s so important for us to help in any way that we can."

Councillor Alf Filipaina, who chairs the council's parks, arts and community and events committee, offers thanks to the catering team for its continued support for vulnerable Aucklanders.

“The speed in which the team has been able to adapt to the lockdown should be commended. Supporting is each other is so important to getting through Covid-19. I want all Aucklanders to stay safe during this level 4 lockdown.”