National | Ngāti Paoa

Ngāti Paoa signs $23.5m Treaty settlement

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Ngāti Paoa has settled its Treaty grievances with the Crown at a deed of settlement signing at Wharekawa marae in Whakatīwai today.

The Auckland and Hauraki iwi will have 12 sites of cultural significance returned and receive a $23.5 million financial settlement under the deal.

Treaty Minister Andrew Little said the redress was long overdue and no settlement could fully compensate the iwi.

"The Crown acknowledges that until today it has failed to deal with the long-standing grievances of Ngāti Paoa and that recognition of, and redress for, these grievances is long overdue."

Minister Little said the Crown hoped the settlement could help begin the healing process and "enter a new age of co-operation and partnership."