National | Ngāti Paoa

Waiheke residents against new Kennedy Point Marina

A barge and large crane arrived at Pūtiki Bay this week on Tuesday, marking the start of construction for the 181-berth marina.

The Kennedy Point Marina has been the subject of intense legal wrangling over its suitability for Waiheke Island in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf.

According to Danella Roebeck of the Ngāti Pāoa Trust, Ngāti Pāoa had placed a rāhui on the area in early January, which was broken on Tuesday.

"They have tried to destroy the marina, on our cultural grounds that's what they are trying to destroy. They made a commitment that they don't dig their piles into the moana, but today they did, they have. As I am speaking to you today. They have broken our rāhui, they have trodden on our mana."

The group Save Kennedy Point has been fighting the marina since 2017. The group includes local residents and whānau of Piritahi Marae, a community marae which is not affiliated with Ngāti Pāoa, the mana whenua of Waiheke.

Thomas Greve says they are worried about the work starting up.

"As you can see, there is a horrendous looking barge, and crane getting ready to prepare for work prematurely."

Hohaia Paraone of Piritahi Marae says, "We will never agree. We will fight till the end to ensure this area survives, our coastline and seafood."

Piritahi Marae is also worried about the split between the two groups claiming to represent Ngāti Pāoa. "We all know about the saying about the split tōtara tree, well it's like that, between the iwi."

One major problem is the conflicting nature of the narrative between Ngāti Pāoa Trust Board, and the Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust. According to Tānia Tarawa, vice chair of the Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust Board says, they do not support the digging up of the marina, they say this was agreed to by their former CEO.

Te Ao Māori news contacted the company Kennedy Point Marina but a spokesperson said they needed more time to consider a response.