National | Hone Harawira

Kapia te 'bloody' kēti - close the borders, Hone Harawira

"Close the borders"

Tai Tokerau Border Control says the government has left susceptible communities vulnerable to the deadly and contagious strain of Covid-19.

Hone Harawira says te iwi Māori are dying from heart disease, liver disease.They are the most affected but the government isn't doing enough to support Māori communities, he says, that's the reason he and the border control are getting back to work.

Harawira says funding of testing stations north of Whangarei has stopped. Minister for Covid 19, Chris Hipkins told Te Ao Māori News that he was not aware of any funding issues at testing stations.

The group is planning in setting up information sharing stations will be put in place in Waiomio, Kaikohe and Takuira. The information will include resources to help people identify symptoms and how to get checked.

The group says it will mobilise information stations before the long weekend