Regional | Hokianga

Hokianga kura stays open through alert level two

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hokianga has tried to keep things as normal as they can through alert level two and has had some new enrolments as Hokianga natives return home from Auckland and overseas.

Board member Shane Wikaira admits the kura's safety measures are not as stringent as last time.

“The first time we went to level two we had quite a tight bubble.”

External contractors, parents, social workers and extended whānau were closed off from the kura.

“This time round, we’re allowing external agencies to come in. It’s quite a contrast to the first time,” Wikaira says.

However, the kura has drawn the line at school trips, with the scheduled regional cross country competition cancelled and a smaller schoolwide event held instead.

About Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hokianga

The kura started as Te Kura Kaupapa o te Tonga o Hokianga in Whirinaki. The kura was moved to Koutu, and renamed Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hokianga last year.

The kura has about 100 students on its roll.