National | Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19

Waihirere whānau make tough decision to shut marae

Whānau from Parihimanihi Marae in the Gisborne district have decided to shut their marae, meaning no tangihanga or hui will be allowed during the COVID-19 crisis.

The pānui announcing this step was sent out to their respective whanaunga this morning by Ngā Tarahiti o Parihimanihi trustee members.

In order to control the spread of the virus, it was essential for whānau of Waihirere to safeguard their most vulnerable, their kaumātua, pakeke and mokopuna and protect the whakapapa of their hapū.

Marae trustee member Ruth Smith told Te Ao Māori News it was not an easy call to close off tangihanga to whānau.

The marae holds considerable history and prominence for their people in Tairāwhiti.  Parihimanihi Marae is the home base for Waihirere Māori Club, a leading cultural group that has reigned supreme at Te Matatini national kapa haka festival five times throughout its 48-year history.

The pānui also urged whānau who are feeling ill to self-isolate themselves and continue to follow the COVID-19 updates.

Whakamarama to whānau of Parihimanihi Marae:  

Me he māharahara ōu kua pāngia koe e te mate COVID-19, ā, e pāngia ana koe e ngā tohu māuiui (pēnei i te maremare, te huangō, he aha atu) whakapā i a Healthline mā te nama waea 0800 358 5453 mō ngā taipitopito whakamātau.

Mō ētahi atu taipitopito kōrero e pā ana ki a COVID-19 tirohia te pae tukutuku