Regional | Iwi Radio

Radio Tainui celebrates their 30th anniversary

Radio Tainui announcer Matutaera Herangi / Source - File

Ngaaruawaahia’s own Radio Tainui remembers its 30th anniversary this week. Te Ao Māori News caught up with Radio Tainui announcer Matutaera Herangi as he worked at the Waka Ama Nationals today.

Herangi paid tribute to “waha reo” (veteran broadcasters) such as legendary morning show announcers "Womble and Blossom", Pohewa Tamati, Mamae Takerei and Koroneihana Cooper. Herangi also explained the uniqueness of the station, and its importance for Waikato-Tainui today.

“Tainui FM is for the descendants of Tainui Waka. It has been the broadcaster of the Kiingitanga movement."

The passing of Te Arikinui, Dame Te Atairangikaahu was in Herangi’s opinion, the “biggest event” covered by the radio station to date.

Due to their commitments to cover the National Waka Ama championships, formal celebrations have been delayed.

However Herangi was confident, that the anniversary celebrations would be the top priority in the coming week.