National | Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management

Whakaari: Ka rewa i te Kāwana, he mahere mahi, ka whakahōu hoki i ngā pūnaha aroturuki

Te āhua nei, he nui ake ngā pātai i ngā whakautu mō te mahere tiki a te kāwanatanga. I te rerenga o ngā pātai, ka whakarewaina e te Kāwanatanga tāna mahere whakarite i te motu ka tūpono pākia e te maiki nui.

Kei te kimi whakautu tonu ngā whānau o te hunga tāpoi, kaimahi hoki kua aituāhia i Whakaari. Mō ngā kaimahi hari tūruhi, ko te tikanga he rā anō i te mahi. Mō te hunga tāpoi, ko te tikanga he haerenga mātātoa mutunga mai.

I te hui a Te Rūnanga Kāwanatanga i te rā nei, nā te MP o Te Waiariki te pātai ki te Minita Take Rākau Whakamarumaru, he aha ngā mahi a Te Pūtahi Mate Whawhati Tata whai muri i te hūnga o Whakaari?

“To ensure public safety and well-being the National Emergency Management Agency has created a national action plan to coordinate support at a national level for the delivery of essential services to affected families,” te urupare a Peeni Henare.

Hei tāna, he mahere tautoko ka āwhina atu hei te roanga atu o ngā whakahaere.

“Work and Income can provide financial support for those impacted including for loss of income and housing assistance. ACC can provide support to those who are hurt or injured or of losing a family member as well as payment for medical care.”

I pātaihia te Minita Take Pirihimana, he aha ngā mahi a ngā pirihimana whai muri mai i te hūnga o Whakaari?

“The bottom line is that police are doing everything that they can and what is a tragic and significant event. For now our duty and priority as a return of people's loved ones to them,” te kī a Stuart Nash.

He nui ngā pātai e tārewa ana.

Nā te Pirimia, nā Jacinda Adern te kōrero ki te hunga pāpāho, “Everyone wants those bodies to come back. Unfortunately overnight we’ve seen a tremor activity and the situation in regards to volatility has worse rather than improved.”

I te rā nei, i puta te whakapuakitanga a te Kawanatanga, he mahere mahi hoki ka whakahōu i ngā mahi aroturuki i ngā tai āniwhaniwha ki Aotearoa, e nui ake ai ngā tohu whakatūpato atu i te kotahi ki te tekau mā rima.

"I think ultimately we need to get through the recovery, once we see the findings of those critical investigations then that will help us answer questions and then help with the response."

Ka noho mātāmua ai tēnei kaupapa ki te Kāwanatanga Tūhono, ko ngā whakahaere a ngā kaimahi mate whawhati tata, ko te aronga wawe hoki ki ngā maiki nui pēnei i ngā tohu whakatūpato mō te tai āniwhaniwha ka tuia ki tētahi paohotanga ohotata ki te waea pūkoro.

Hei tā Minita Henare, ko te whakarauora tāngata te mea nui, engari kua tōmuri kē mā ngā pārurenga o Whakaari.