National | Drugs

He whakakorikori i te hapori, kia whakakore i te ngārara 'P'.

Ko te hapori o Wairoa kei te tautoko i te karanga a ētahi kuia kia whakakorea rawatia te taimiri P. Hei tā te koromatua tuarua o Wairoa, ki a Denise Eaglesom-Karekare, e ngau kinotia ana te hapori e te ngāngara nei.

Hei tā Mere Kokiri-Tamanui o Ngāti Kōhatu, “Ngā pakeke, we are in emotional bankruptcy, why? Because at 70, you weren't supposed to be doing this mahi.”

Ko Wikitoria Hauraki o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa te aukaha o te hīkoi, hei tāna, “Like one of them said what's going to happen to them when I die? If I die? What's going to happen to them? So that's basically it really.”

Denise Eaglesom-Karekare, “We've got children who go home after school, their parents are high. They need somewhere to go because they feel scared, and we've got meth users that need to take the first step.”

Ko Dame Whina Cooper tērā te tauira, otirā e tohe ana kia ora ai ngā mokopuna i anamata.

Hei tā Mere Kokiri-Tamanui, “They're the financial tamariki that are supporting their lifestyle when you got four kids, you got quite a bit of money coming.”

Ko tā Wikitoria Hauraki, “You can't say nobody's not effected, that's how bad it is, everybody's affected, from the whānau hapū marae, within the community they're all affected.

He Kaiwhakawhānau pēpī a Tungane Kani, hei tāna, “Te trauma, e pā ana ki te māmā, ki tōna kūia, ki te pā harakeke katoa.”

“...And I think we need to stop pussyfooting around and say this is the reality of it this is what it's about and I think once we start doing that then we can get our whānau well”, te kī a Hauraki.

Kua whakakao mai nei ngā whānau, ngā Pōrihimana, Te Kaunihera o Wairoa, ngā kaimahi ratonga anō hoki katoa e tautoko ana i tēnei karanga kia rapua nga huarahi e rongoā ai tēnei mate.

“Our Mayor is here, he's walking with us, our councillors are walking with us, because they believe that this has to stop we need to start helping our whānau”, te kī a Denise Eaglesom-Karekare.

Ko tā Tungane Kani, “I kite mātau te tino mamae o rātau e awhi nei i te mokopuna e tarai ki te awhi nei te mokopuna he uaua rawa ka kuhu mai a Oranga Tamariki me ō rātau take mō te pēpē.”

He whare whakatā kua whakatūria hei taunaki i ngā kūia koroua e tieki mokopuna ana.

Denise Eaglesom-Karekare, “This base will hopefully give them that first step it's not the answer, we're working on that.”

“We're looking at education, health, what's available to these kids that have learning and behavioural difficulties and if their health is suffering what do we need to do?”, te kī Wikitoria Hauraki.

Ko te aronga ināianei kia tū motuhake ai te whare whakatā haere ake nei.