Regional | Education

He whakaāhei i ngā whānau ki ngā pukenga whakapai whare

E whakaeke tonu ana a Hinetakurua, me te aha, kei te whakaako Te Hauora o Tūranganui a Kiwa i ngā whānau o te rohe i ngā pukenga e whakahaumaru ake ai rātau i ō rātau ake whare.

Hei tā Erena Nepe, “There's a lot of learning here today, and we've never been exposed to all of this before.”

“My partner and I are both students currently studying to be kaiako, so pūtea is not something that we can throw around at the moment so we have more time than pūtea, so DIY and doing things ourselves is a lot easier”, te kī a Arcadia Ngarewa Edmonds-Whale.

Ko ngā tūmomo mahi nei he whakatika kōrere wai, he whakamahi ukutea, he whakamahana ake i te whare, me te whakaheke iho i ngā nama hiko anō hoki.

Hei tā te Tumu o Te Hauora o Tūranganui a Kiwa hei tā Rewiti Ropiha, “Unlocking specialist skill-sets, looking to simplify the concepts, hopefully so they can take some of the skills and put them back into the whare give them confidence of our whānau to really sort of do the things that they can do themselves.”

Ko tenei te tuatahi o ngā momo awheawhe nei, me te aha kua tatū nei nga ratonga maha ki te tautoko. Ka mutu, e puta ana nga hua ki nga whanau.

“Today we're learning how to do a bit of plumbing and fitting some taps, learning how to re-thread some joins and yeah koinā ngā mahi ā mātau i te marae o manutuke i tēnei rā”, te kī a Arcadia Ngarewa Edmonds-Whale.

Ko tā Raiha Moetara,” I just think it's really awesome what's happening right around, and I still haven't covered all of the areas so yeah nah it's good.

He whakaāhei i nga whānau te mahi, kia hāneaneanea ake ai te noho i wā o te Hōtoke, ā, haere ake nei.

Hei tā Rewiti Ropiha, “At least putting the knowledge in front of whānau so whānau can proactively start to put things in place, future-proof their whare, if not for this generation, the next generation coming.”

Hei ngā wiki e taka iho nei kawea atu ai te awheawhe ki Waituhi, ki Muriwai, ki Te Karaka, ki Elgin, me Kaiti anō hoki.