National | Shearing

Kei te ora tonu ngā mahi kuti hipi ki Te Tairāwhiti

Ki te rohe e pokea nei e te kore mahi, Kei te ora tonu ngā mahi kuti hipi o Te Tairāwhiti i a Tui Hyde, i a ia e tuku mahi ana ngā reanga hou.

He rite tonu te whakaheke werawera a te kēnge kuti hipi nei rō wūruheti.

“It's a passion aye, my old man was a contractor and just brought up in the sheds just loved it aye I had to take it on take over the old man's run so that was me.”

Neke atu i te toru tekau tāngata ka mahi i te maru o Hyde i ngā wā pukumahi o te tau.

“I woolhandled for about four years, I pressed for a couple of years, so I knew all that skill and to run a good business you've got to have the right people.”

Kei te takiwā o te rua rau, rua tekau mano 'tana' wūru ka ketuketutia ki Aotearoa ia tau, ā, mai rānō ngā mahi ki rō wūruheti e whai pānga atu ana ki ngā whānau maha o Te Tairāwhiti.

“There are a few young ones they're probably the more naughty ones but you know they're good it's good to see a lot of young woolhandlers and shearers coming up in the industry, you don't see as many on the East Coast as what you did back in the day but it's good, got a good young crew.”

Ka oho te kēnge i haurua mai i te toru, ka timata i te ono. Hei tā Tui Hyde ehara i te mahi ngāwari, arā, me pukumahi te tangata.

“You've just got to prepare yourself the day before, do all your chores what needs to be done for the next day and if you enjoy it, you enjoy the people, the company, the work, then it'll suit you.”

Ko tā Tui Hyde ka haere tonu āna mahi ki rō wūruheti kia pau te hau, kātahi ka tuku ki te reanga hou.