National | Building Blocks

Trade scholarships available for 2019

Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) Auckland has more than 650 scholarships available for 2019 as part of its work to build a qualified trades workforce.  Eligible candidates get their fees paid and one-on-one support from a mentor to find the right job to launch their career.

More than 2,300 young men and women have benefited from the scholarships to fill a shortage of 30,000 skilled employees in the sector.

Source: MPTT Website

MPTT spokesperson Tuwhakairiora Williams says, "These scholarships were an incentive of the Māori and Pacific Trade Training Consorteum and that particular group was commissioned to create the scholarships that were to empower students that wanted a career in the trades industry.

The trade scholarships will also provide opportunities for wāhine to find their way into a male-dominated sector.

"Numbers among women are growing in the trades industry, they are pursuing a career in carpentry and other areas," says WIlliams.

Potential scholars can register their interest by emailing Shelley Riley, MPTT project coordinator on ]
