Entertainment | Climate Change

PM talks climate change in Pacific with UN Secretary General

Kei te āporo nui, kei New York te Pirimia i te tuatahi o āna toronga ōkawa ki Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Kotahitanga o Ngā Whenua o te Ao. E ai ki a Jacinda Ardern ko ngā take āhuarangi te matua o āna kaupapa ki reira, ā ko te matapae ia, ko ngā take a te wahine me ngā tamariki ka noho mātāmua ki roto i ngā kōrero.

He kōrero mo te rawa kore o te tamaiti, whai muri iho ko nga take ahuarangi.

Ko tā Pirimia Jacinda Ardern "a big focus for the Secretary General is the issue of climate change and in that regard he acknowledged the role NZ is playing and continues to play."

Ko ngā pēhitanga āhuarangi kei Te Moana nui a Kiwa tētahi o nga aronga matua a Ardern, he mea tipu ake whai muri i tana haerenga ki reira.

"I used the opportunity to speak specifically to the impact of climate change on the Pacific in our interest in raising the profile of Pacific issues within the UN generally."

Kaore a Ardern mo te aro atu ki te hāere ki te Whare Mā, kaore ano ia kia  whiwhi tono kia hui ngātahi ki a Perehitini, Donald Trump.

"I will be attending a reception that the President is hosting and of course there is a leaders event that the Secretary General is hosting so I'm not anticipating having that opportunity, if I do, more than likely I'd mention our interests which would naturaly fall to of trade."

Ka hui a Ardern ki ngā Rangatira o Airana, Koromopia me Ateria āpōpo.