National | Court

Kua oatitia te kaiwhakawā wahine Māori tuatahi o Waikato ki tōna marae ūkaipō

Ki Waikato, ko te tiati Māori hōu ko Tinimiraka Victoria Clark i whakawahia ki te aroaro o tōna marae Te Kotahitanga. Ko te uri o Waikato te kaiwhakawā wahine tuatahi ia ki te kōti taihara.

I te poho o tōna wharenui o Te Kotahitanga, ka puta te oati a te kaiwhakawā a Tini Clark ā, e hurō ana te haukāinga nō ngā marae e whitu o Te Puaha o Waikato rātou ko ngōna hoa mahi.

“Pupū ana te aroha te whakahīhī hoki, engari, ehara i te mea mō mātou ake te whānau, engari mō ngā hapū katoa o Te Pūaha,” i mea atu tōna tuakana a Tangiwai Rewi.

Nō te tau iwa tekau mā whā ia i eke ai ki te pae rōia, i muri i tāna whakapōtaetanga i Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato. Wheoi, ko tāna, ehara tana toa i te toa taki tahi, engari kē he toa taki tini.

Tekau mā whā tau ko ia te rōia a te karauna ki ngā kōti ā-rohe me ngā kōti teitei. Tekau mā rima noaiho ngā kaiwhakawā kōti ā-rohe Māori huri noa i te motu.

“We're acutely aware of the richness that they bring to our bench, the importance of our bench representing the people,” i kī atu te kaiwhakawā matua o Ngā Kōti-ā-rohe o Aoearoa, a Jan-Marie Doogue, “and truly representing the people because our courts the biggest court in the country and it's really important that our justice is by the people for the people.”

“Ka taea ngā hunga i tae kei mua i te aroaro o te kōti ki te kite āe kei konei au e noho ana i te tūranga,” i mea atu a kaiwhakawā kōti ā-rohe o Whangārei, a Greg Davis.

“Ka taea e rātou ki te whakaaro āe, kei te whakarongo tērā Māori kei te puta mai i roto i a ia.”

Ka mahi a Clark ki te kōti ā-rohe o Manukau.