National | Awanui Black

E whakahē ana te tuakana o Awanui Black i ngā whakapae tōkai tamariki

Kua puta he kōrero mai i te whānau o Awanui e pā ana ki ngā whakapae tōkai tamariki, whakahuihui kaitōkai anō hoki.

Nā te hoa rangatira o mua o Awanui, nā Anihera Black ngā  whakapae i puta e rua tau i muri mai i tōna hinganga, wheoi, kāore anō kia whakamanahia. Kāore anō tētehi kaiwhakaatu kotahi kia puta i tēnei wā.

“My brother as far as I'm concerned and my whānau is innocent,” i mea atu te tuakana o Awanui a Mark Black.

“He does not lie in the ground without a voice. He has a voice - and that voice is me as a brother, and his whānau is behind me as well on this.”

I tīmata mai ngēnei whakapae i te pōhi a Ani ki a Pukamata, wheoi i tēnei wā kua tangohia taua pōhi. Engari e ai ki a Mark i pokea tōna whānau e ngā kōrero whakahāwea.

“It's beyond anything you can do. Or you do is wait till it stops and try and figure out at the end of the day when it's all finished to pick up the pieces.”

Tērā anō ngētehi atu kua whakaingoatia i roto i ngēnei whakapae, wheoi ko tā te whānau e kore e taea te whiu tētehi mō te kore take noa.

“If it's proven to be wrong that my brother did do these horrible heinous things, then we shall back Anihera and everybody else that has come forward cause that is not who we are.”

Wheoi anō i tēnei wā e noho wahangū ana te ture, engari, kei te haere tonu te rangahau.