He whakatakoto tono ki Te Taraipiunara o Waitangi te mahi a ētahi kai-hāpai i te kaupapa o te Kura o Hato Petera hei tohe i te katinga pea o te kura. He tira iti ō rātou i whakaeke ki runga o pāremata i te rā nei ki te whakatakoto i tā rātou tohe, heoi, tē rangona wā rātou i auē ai e te mema paremata kotahi.
He pōrotēhe rangimārie engari kore tētahi kaitōrangapu i kitea.
Ko tā Ratahi Tomuri "we contacted the Associate Education Minister and the Education Minister and they were not able to meet with us today."
Ko tā Phyllis Pomare, māmā o tētahi o nga tauira tokorima e haere tonu ki Hato Petera, "they [politicians] need to recognise the important place that Māori students do have with Hato petera. We've got 90-years of successful students and now you want to take that away."
Kei te whakatā te whare paremata i tēnei wā koira te take i Tāmaki kē te Minita Take Mātauranga a Chris Hipkins. I tēra marama ka mea ia ka whakakorea pea te kirimana ā-kura.
Ko tā Hipkins "I'll be considering very carefully all of the representations that have been made to me and all submissions received on the whether Hato Petera should close, ultimately that part is not my decision, my decision is around whether or not it will remain an integrated school or not and then it is up to the proprietor whether or not the school closes."
Ko tā Pomare, he kapu tī, he kōrero noa iho te hiahia.
"We just wanted to have a korero about it. Even just a cup of tea. We would have even brought the cup of tea. So I've had enough. We've been calling out to you for seven months and you've been ignoring us for seven months. That's it."
I tuku hoki te rōpū he kerēme ki te Taraipunara o Waitangi me te manako ia ka whai hua.
Ko tā Tomuri “here we are for the last three months wanting to meet up with him to propose a redevelopment plan and revitalisation for Hato Petera and throughout that duration he hasn't consulted with us."
Ko Stephanie Pomare tētahi o nga tauira tokorima e kura tonu ki Hato Petera. Ko tāna haihai kia ora tonu tana kura.
"The education and success that I've heard from other students, past students and tauira tawhito and their success that's what I want to get success out of the school again."
Ko tā te Minita ka puta tāna whakatau mo te kirimana ā-kura a nga wiki tata nei.