National | 28th Māori Battalion

Ka pupuru tonu tētehi marae i Waitaha ki te maumahara i ō rātou tūpuna hōia

Ki Te Waipounamu, ki te raki o Waitaha, ka whakamaumahara ngā uri o Ngāi Tūāhuriri o te marae o Tuahiwi i ō rātou tūpuna a tūmatauenga i whawhai i te pakanga tuatahi me te pakanga tuarua o te ao. Tōna rua tekau ngā ika a whiro kua riro atu ka whakahōnoretia i tā rātou taurima whakamaharatanga ā-tau ka tū ki te urupā o Uruti.

E whakamānawa tonu ana ngā uri o Ngāi Tūāhuriri i ō rātou tūpuna whatukura kia titia ki te pae o maumahara

“If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here now and so every year, although they have all gone, of course those from World War I have all gone,” i mea atu a Koral Gallagher (Ngāi Tūāhuriri), “we still remember them, we still commemorate their effort to make this place safe for us to continue.”

Hei tā Gallagher he tikanga tuku iho nei nōna e tamariki ana, wheoi ko te hāpai ō āna tino mahi.

“In my younger years, I've been back at the marae helping out in the wharekai. We had other elders, other kaumātua who were doing this.”

Tekau mā tahi ngā tūpuna nō taua marae i whawhai i te pakanga tuatahi o te Ao, tekau mā rua i te pakanga tuarua. Ahakoa kua riro atu ngā toa tauā katoa, ko ō rātou whakareretanga e ora tonu nei.

“Some of our people have been named after certain places, like, I have an aunty Alamein, who was named after El Alamein,” ka kī atu a Gallagher.

“And I also have a whanaunga of mine, Crete.”

Hei te haeata āpōpō haere ai te haukāinga ki ngā huinga whakamahara i ngā hōia ika a whiro o ANZAC hurinoa i te rohe o Ōtautahi. Kātahi, ka hoki rātou ki konei ki te urupā, whakatakato ai i tētehi pare kawakawa i te pou whakamaharatanga hei te rua karaka o te ahiahi.

Ko tā Gallagher ka pupuru tonu te tikanga tuku iho mā ngā uri whakaheke, nā ngā uri whakaheke.