National | Foreign

E hui ana ngā mīnita manatū aorere o NZ me PNG

Kei te noho kore kainga te rima tekau mano tāngata ki te moutere o Papua New Guinea i muri i te maha o ngā rū whenua ki taua whenua. Kei Aotearoa te Minita Take Manatū Aorere e matapaki ana i ētahi kaupapa āwhina ma rātou.

E kotahi rau whā tekau ngā tāngata i mate i te rū whenua i Papua New Guinea, tētahi o ngā motu rawakore o te ao.

Ko tā te Mīnita Manatū Aorere o Papua New Guinea, tā Rimbink Pato, "Because of the remoteness of the localities people are based and live, we don't have the up to date statistics of exactly what's happened and who's affected."

Kei Aotearoa a Pato ki te tuku mihi atu ki te kāwanatanga mō te pūtea tautoko i tākohatia ki a rātou.

"New Zealand has been able to quickly and efficiently mobilise to support a neighbour in need."

I hōatu tuatahi ai te kāwanatanga o Aotearoa i te rima rau mano tāra ki a rātou me tētahi wakarererangi. Inaianei kua tohua te toru miriona tāra ki mō ngā kaupapa whakaora.

E ai ki te heamana o te Kaunihera Pakihi o Aotearoa me Papua New Guinea, ko tā Tamati Norman, "There's a lot of work. We need to address the present issues and we need to look at the rebuilding efforts which will take place sometime after we have a final assessment."

E whakatika ana a Norman ki te haere ki reira i runga i tētahi haerenga āwhina.

"Aim is to raise $6000 which isn't a huge amount of money, but to have a plane in the air flying out to villages where there are medicines not currently reaching."

E hui ana a Pato rāua ko Winston Peters i te rā nei, i mua i tōna kōrero ki te whare manatū aorere o Aotearoa.