Kua karangatia e Fonterra tōna hui tuatahi ki te taha o āna pāmu Māori, kia whakatakoto i te mahere rautaki Māori hou. He ara hou e whakapuare ai ngā kaipāmu Māori ki nga mōhioranga me ngā whakahāere o Fonterra.
I reira a Daisy Noble hei whakakanohi i te Te Rua o Te Moko, he pāmu Māori ki Hāwera, ā, hei tāna, “We come in through the front door but I don't see a Māori presence here and this is a new building for us, so it's about putting those things there to show that you do have Māori shareholders, we are part of the co-op and it would be nice to see something like that.”
Ko tā te kaiwhakahaere o te Rautaki Māori ki Fonterra a Tiaki Hunia, “It's important for me as we look to refresh our Māori strategy that it starts with feedback from Māori farmers themselves, we've got our farmers here we've got trustees here, we've got our directors from Māori incorporations, this is where it all begins.”
Rua rau tekau mā whā ngā pāmu Māori kei te maru o Fonterra, otirā he takimano, ngā kaiwhiwhi takuhe, ki wērā pāmu.
Ka whakamārama ake a Hunia, “The majority of them are owned by collectives, as opposed to the farmers themselves, their owned by trusts and owned by iwi, owned by whānau, and that's new for us trying to work out what's the best way to contact, what's the best way to stay in touch. We've got really good tools and systems, how do we make them more accessible.”
Hei tā Daisy Noble, “It pays us to know what the infrastructure is all about and that's what we've been looking at right across the board if you like.”
Ko tā Hūnia kei tuaatu i ngā kēti pārae, te wāriu, a ngā pāmu Māori, arā hei tāna, “We're not just farmers, we're stakeholders, we've got statutory rights as iwi, we'll have and increasingly involvement in water as well as land, we've got a greater political representation so Māori have got a really strong strategic value.”
Ko tā Noble, “Anything that you market or look at branding that there are those protocols that happen with Māori.”
Ko te manako ia a Hūnia hei te Hūrae oti ai te rautaki, kia whanake haere ngā hononga nei, otirā, kia whanake ngā pāmu Māori nei.