Ko te rā whakamutunga tēnei o te kotahi rau rā o te kāwangatanga, ā mā te pakirēhua a tōna komihana e tirotiro i ngā mahi tūkino i pā ki ngā tamariki i raro i ngā manaakitanga a te kāwanatanga i ngā tau. Ka riro ma te Kāwana Tianara o mua a Tā Anand Satyanand e taki i te kaupapa.
Ka tirohia ngā take tūkino tamariki i pā ki wāenga i ngā tau rima tekau atu ki te tau iwa tekau ma iwa. Hei tā te Pirimia na te taumaha me te whānui o tenei take nui, i waiho hei kaupapa whakamutunga mā te kāwanatanga.
Hei tā te Minita Take Tamariki a Tracey Martin ka tiro hohonu te pakirēhua ki ngā wāhanga katoa o te tūkino tamariki, taitōkai, patu wairua, whakaraerae hoki. Heoi, ko te mahi tuatahi ma Tā Anand he whiriwhiri i tana tira hou.
Ko tā Jacinda Ardern ko ngā pārurenga kei te matū o te pakirēhua motuhake.
“The fact it is a Royal Commission, the highest level of commission of inquiry that this government is able to establish, acknowledges two things;” i mea atu ia,
“The independence that the survivors and victims’ asked us to provide this inquiry and just the level of impact it's had on individuals’ lives and their views of the state.”
Ko te matapae tōna tekau mā rua miriona tāra te utu mō te tau tuatahi. Hei ta te Minita Take Tamariki ehara tēnei i te mahi uapare.
“This inquiry is not a witch hunt,” i kī atu a Martin.
“This inquiry, the purpose of it is to validate and finally believe the survivors that tried to tell the state that this was happening to them. And to use their stories to find the systematic failures and ensure we have fixed them.”
“If they experienced abuse and we as the caregiver of that child didn't know, didn't act, didn't make sure that we had checks in place to ensure the child was safe,” e kī ana Ardern.
“We have to take responsibility regardless of who the perpetrator was.”
Kotahi rau rua mano ngā tamariki neke atu i noho i raro i te manaakitanga o te karauna i ngā tau rima tekau ki te iwa tekau. Tokomaha ō rātou i tūkinotia, ka mutu, ko te nuinga he Māori. Hei waenganui o te tau nei tīmata ai a Tā Anand ki te kōrerorero ki ngā patunga.
“This will make for grim reading and that the state will feel a real duty to share that state-wide apology,” i kī atu a Ardern.
Ka mahi ngātahi a Tā Anand me Te Tari Taiwhenua. Ka whai wāhi ia ki ngā tuhinga o mua. Ka tautoko hoki i ngā pārurenga e hiahia ana ki te tuku whakapae ki ngā pirihimana.