National | Hip hop

He kaitapaoro ki Whanganui

E rua tekau mā rua ngā tau o tētahi kaitapaoro nō Whanganui kei te kaha tonu te uru atu ki te ao puoro o Aotearoa, ahakoa rā ngā āhuatanga e ārai ana i a ia.

Tūtaki mai i a Swade Wallace, e whai ana ia i ōna wawata nui i te āo tapaoro.

Ko tā Wallace, "I come from a place where there's not a lot of people who follow their dreams. I know everybody grows up with dreams wanting to be something, not a lot of people actually go out there and pursue their dream and then actually succeed at pursuing their dream."

Kua hanga kōpae ia, ā, kua eke te nui o ōna kaiwhaiwhai ki te tekau mano, ko ōna hoa me tōna hapori ōna tino kaitautoko.

"I don't want to compromise my own morals and integrity in order to get into certain places I'd rather let my music get me there."

E rua tekau mā rua ōna tau, ā, i tipu ake ia ki tētahi wāhi rawa kore, engari ki a ia, ehara tērā i te ārai.

"You can come from a small community like Castlecliff where there's nothing but gang members for role models and you can still follow your dreams."

He uaua ki a ia te whai wāhi i roto i te rāngai waiata tūmatawhānui nā reira ahakoa te nui o te mahi, ko te aroha mō te ao waiata te tino pūtake.

"When I'm not making a lot of money or I'm not getting a lot of gigs or exposure what keeps me going is actually that I really love music."

I tēnei wā kei te tā ia i tōna kōpae tuarua, ko tōna tikanga ka rewa hei tērā marama.