National | Afghanistan

Overseas NZ military make Christmas 'shout out' video

Kei te takiwā o te rua rau rima tekau ngā tāngata e mahi tonu ana i ngā takiwā tekau mā tahi i tēnei wāhanga o te tau.

Kei te tuku mihi te hunga nō Te Ope Katua e mahi ana ki ngā pito maha o te ao i tēnei kirihimete ki o rātou hoa, whānau hoki ki Aotearoa tonu nei.

"The vibe around here has been pretty good with the coalition forces our partner nations we’ve put together Christmas decorations in the hallways, for example, the eating area the mess and dining area is all set up."

"We’ve got little center raffles and everyone gets on with their job that they do, they do what they can but there is a lot of festive spirit around the place at the moment," hei tā kaimahi sergeant Brett Maraku i Kabul Afghanistan.

Ahakoa he wā taumaha mō rātou katoa mā te haungarau e whakangawari ai te mamae.

"The communication is really good so I speak to my family and my kids every day when I can when they’re not too busy watching TV my little ones so it’s been really good having internet and the internet is really good over here."

"I can imagine for some places you go on operations and they don’t have the internet so that’s been quite easy over here," tā sergeant Piripi Matthews, i Kabul.

Kei te noho marara ngā hoia ki ngā whenua pērā i Lebanon, te raki me te tonga o Korea, Sudan heoi ko te nuinga e noho ana ki Iharaira.

"The threat level is always high where we are at the moment we’re in pretty,  security levels are very good but we’re always on," tā Maraku.

Kua mahi aua hoia ki Afghanistan mai i te tau rua mano mā tahi, whai muri i te mahi whakatumatuma 9/11 ki Amerika.