National | Andrew Little

Ka hui tahi te Mīnita Take Tiriti me ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi e pā ana ki ngā take whakatau tiriti

Kua whai wāhi te Mīnita Take Tiriti, a Andrew Little ki ētahi hui i te taha o ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi i tēnei mutunga wiki. E hāpai ana ia i ngā tono o te taraipiunara kia nui ake te whai wāhitanga o ngā hapū ki te tēpu kōrero hei matapaki i ngā whakataunga tiriti o Ngāpuhi.

Ko tā tētahi o ngā kaikōrero, "Kei konei katoa ngā hapū, kei konei i tēnei rangi ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, ka tika e te minita ko te herenga o te waka ka whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, ka whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro, e ū ko te māramatanga."

Ko tā Little, "The tribunal has said there's gotta be better recognition and respect when it comes to hapū, I made the promise that I would get out and around the rohe to have a listen and that's what I'm doing this weekend."

Kua tohua a Little e tōna tari kia whakamutu i ngā whakataunga tiriti tawhito i mua i te tau ruamano rua tekau. Engari, kua pōturi haere te whakahaerenga o te whakaaetanga o Ngāpuhi, ko te mana kōkiri kē te take.

"People do want to make progress, what I've been impressed by is, people do want to get on but they do want to be heard but they do want to be listened to."

I roto i ētahi o ngā hui i tū i tēnei mutunga wiki, i kite a Little i te tautoko a ngā hapū mō Maranga Mai, te rīpoata i whakatewhatewha i ētahi kaupapa kia whai wāhi ai ngā hapū ki roto i ngā matapakinga whakataunga tiriti.

"It was good to hear the support for Maranga Mai the reality is Tuhoronuku holds the mandate at the moment and the question is whether we can fix the mandate with the benefit of whats in Maranga Mai and the kōrero of these hui and see whether we can come up with the magic solution that's going to enable us to go ahead with confidence."

Ko Ngāpuhi tētahi o ngā kaitono rima tekau mā toru e whanga ana ki te karauna, ko tā Little, ka hoki ia ki Ngāpuhi hei te tīmatanga o te tau hou kia kawea tonutia ngā hui.