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He pouaka kai hei whāngai i ngā whānau rawakore

He kotahi rau, rima tekau mā rima mano tamariki e noho ana ki ngā whare rawakore ki Aotearoa nei.

He kaupapa e ora ana ki ngā hapori e ono puta noa i te motu, ko Te Pouaka Kirihimete tērā e whai ana kia whakangāwari i ngā tauamahatanga kei ngā whānau i tēnei wā o te tau.

Ko tā Bronwyn Hetaraka (Te Aupouri, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Porou), “Ko te tikanga he awhi atu i ngā whānau e hanga rawakore ana i tēnei wā i te wā Kirihimete.”

Ka kōwhiria ngā whānau e ngā ringa raupā kei rō hapori e mahi ana ki Whangarei, ki ngā marae o ngā whāruarua e toru ki Hokianga anō hoki.

Hei tā Terri Cassidy (Ngāti Maniapoto), “Whānau will have enough kai to eat for a day, whether that be Christmas or another day, to share with their whānau spend time together because Christmas isnt't just about presents it's about time.”

Nō te tau 2001 timata ai tēnei kaupapa. Tekau mā ono tau kua hipa, ā, kei te mārō te haere. Whitu tekau ngā tūao i tae atu ki te whakaheke werawera. Ka mutu, he rima rau ngā pouaka kai ka tukunga ki ngā whānau o Whāngarei, he rima rau ki Hokianga.

Ko tā te Kaiwhakahaere o Te Hau Āwhiowhio ō Otangarei a Janine Kaipo, (Ngāti Kauwhata)

“It's about the oppportunity to give back, to socialise, to meet new community and put together a blessing in a box for whānau, for those whānau that would be happy to have a blessing in a box.”

Kei Whānagarei, Tāmaki Makaurau, Tauranga Moana, Kirikiriroa, Otepoti me Otautahi anō hoki tēnei kaupapa. Ko te manako a Genene Kaipo kia peka ki rō hapū.

“To get those communities happening and busy and doing the same thing within there. So if we all do it everywhere, it just takes a lot of pressure of everybody.”

Ko tā Janine Kaipo, mā te aha i te iti hei whakamāmā i ngā taumaha, ka mutu, mua te haere.