E whakatūturu ana tā te Minita Take Tauhokohoko, a David Parker, ka whai hua ngā rōpū me ngā umanga Māori i te Kawenata Whakaaetanga Tauhokohoko hōu, kua karangahia ake, ko te CPTPP. Nāna nei aua kupu i tuku i tana kauwhau ki te hui ā-tau e toru tekau a FOMA kei Rotorua e tau ana.
E ai ki te hemana o FOMA, ki a Traci Houpapa me he rōreka ngā kupu a Parker ki ngā taringa o te whakaminenga.
“We recognise that it gives us access to an entirely new market and a larger consumer base,” i mea atu a Haupapa.
“It removes tariffs and barriers which will mean that our trade and export members will have better gains and better returns for their businesses.”
E rima pīriona tāra te wāriu o te ohanga Māori i Aotearoa. Hei tā Parker ka piki ake ngā rawa ki ngā umanga Māori i te CPTPP i kōrerotia i Vietnam i ngā rāngi tata ake nei.
“There is a clear provision that protects the government's ability to do anything that it needs to do in the name of the Treaty of Waitangi,” i kī atu ia.
“All of the landowning groups throughout New Zealand who produce so much produce from the land, they face lower tariffs in some of the valuable overseas markets that we sell into.”
Nō te tau waru tekau mā rima i hūi ai ngā rūnanga Māori i Rotorua, ā, tōna kotahi rau toru tekau neke atu ngā rōpū Māori i tae atu. E rua tau whai muri a FOMA i whakatū ai, kotahi rau rima tekau ngā mema ināianei.
“Mō ngā rōpū ngāhere katoa i te tuatahi,” ka kōrero atu i te heamana takirua tuatahi o FOMA, i a Tā Tipene O’Regan.
“I te tuarua ngā iti kamupene Māori. Iti ngā rōpū kaitiaki Māori. Kei te whakakotahi katoa, kei te tautoko, kei te āwhina.”
Ko tā FOMA e hāngai pū ana te Rautaki Whanaketanga ā-Rohe, kotahi pīriona o te kāwanatanga ki ō rātou whāinga.
“FOMA has always pushed a regional economic development strategy for the betterment of the New Zealand economy,” i mea anō atu i a Houpapa.
“We look forward to working with Minister Jones and his team as well the Prime Minister and government.”
Tōna toru rau ngā māngai mai i ngā rōpū Māori hurinoa i te motu i hoki mahara ki ngā toru tekau tau kua hipa. Engari āpōpō ka titiro whakamua kē ngā whakaaro ki te kauwhau matua a te Pirima a Jacinda Arden.