National | Kōwhiri - Election 2017

Whānau Ora review priority for Government's first 100-days

Labour walked the red carpet for its first official caucus meeting at Parliament today where a key discussion point was what to expect of Whānau Ora within the first 100-days of government.

The Labour-led government leads the way to caucus; Whānau Ora on the agenda behind closed doors.

Minister for Whānau Ora Peeni Henare says, "Next week Parliament will sit and that's where our 100-day plan will be put in motion."

Henare says he expects the review process of Whānau Ora to begin within the first 100-days of government. Something Labour was vocal about during its election campaign.

"From there we can establish how to best grow and improve the programme while staying true to its values and intention."

Yesterday Dame Tariana Turia told Te Kāea when she establsihed Whānau Ora she did not envision the portfolio becoming independant of the Minister for Māori Development again. in new window ]

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she expects both will continue to work together closely.

"In my mind utilising all of the skills in our Ministry to make sure that we further issues like Whānau Ora, but general Māori Development issues, I want to use everyone."

Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta says, “I'm happy Peeni Henare has taken charge of that portfolio. If we look at some of the other portfolios and their budget allocations that will be where Whānau Ora receives its support."

Henare says a top priority will be ensuring other government agencies contribute to Whānau Ora to expand its funding pool.