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Winston Peters' decision was about leaving a legacy - Tuariki Delamere

With Labour now leading the country Political Commentator Tuariki Delamere discusses the outcomes of the election negotiations.

Political commentator and former New Zealand First Minister Tuariki Delamere says Winston Peters' decision was about leaving a legacy.

"I know Winston would love to leave a legacy of something good and the best chance of that happening was, I believe, going with the Labour Party."

He says respect for Peters would have influenced his left lean; a bitter history with National less appealing than the Labour leader's stance coupled with the cultural respect shown to Peters by her Māori MPs.

"I don't think Winston gets true respect from the Nats, basically they hate him."

"Certainly Jacinda is very good at that and it's easy for her because she's young and respects an elder statesman. Also, it's important that the Māori MPs, while they vehemently disagree with Winston on many things, what they do because it's a part of our culture, is that at the end of the day Winston is a kaumatua (elder) who's been there and done that and they respect that."

Delamere disagrees with critics that inclusion of the Green Party will implode the new government.

"If the Greens cause trouble that'll be the suicide action from them but in doing it so it will also bring down Labour and NZ First so all three if those parties have the incentive to make this work.

Delamere says a New Zealand First successor is part of Winston's legacy, and between Shane Jones, Tracey Martin and Deputy Leader Ron Mark he favours the former to energise the voting base.