Regional | Disability

Pīata rawa mai ngā whetu maiangi Pararimipia ki ngā whakataetae Halberg

Karahuihui ana ngā mahuri tōtara Pararimipia i ēnei rangi okioki i ngā rangatahi puta noa i te motu i tuki rae ki te rae ki ngā whakataetae Halberg Junior Paralympic Games ki Tāmaki Māori.

Auahi ana te tere o te kōkiri ki ngā whiringatoa o ngā whakataetae Halberg Junior Disability Games, i tere kōkiri ai te Māori i te papa poitūkohu. Ka puta ihu ko te kapa Tūru Wīra Waikato mō te tau tuawha karapīpiti ki runga ake o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Hei tā CJ Takiari o te kapa Waikato 'Just basically coming back and getting the job done and it was awesome this weekend, I always enjoy being back here'.

Koinei te tau tuatahi kua whai wāhi te kaiwhakaari a Rodney Bell o Ngāti Maniapoto ki te kaiako i te kapa. Hei tāna ko te mea nui e poipoi ana i te kaupapa nei ko te tautoko a-whānau.
'They're a very strong team because of the support they get. cause of there Mama's and Papa's and family that come along. When it comes to professionalism these kids are very professional.'

He papa tākaro o ngā mahuri tōtara Pararimipia. E kotahi rau wha tekau ma ono ngā kaitākaro i pakanga ki ngā hākinakina rua tekau ma tahi i ngā rā e toru.

E mea ana a Bell, 'This disabled games is foundated them so they came in when they were young when they probably couldn't catch a ball, they were just having fun and now they are gonna go on to be NZ future basketball players. They're the future for NZ'.

Ko te whakameremere i ngā kaitirotiro hoki tā ēnei. Hei tā CJ Takiari mā tēnei whakataetae e puare ai ngā tatau ki angitū, 'Obviously go to the Paralympics one day, but for now coming here and playing with the young bucks is all good.'

E manako ana ngā Kaiwhakahaere kia whānui ake te mōhio mō te whakataetae nei kia maha ake hoki ngā kaiwhakataetae.