National | Eel

Ka whai wahi atu a Ngai Māori ki te wāhi hī tuna

He wāhi hī tuna a Tutaewhero, heoi kua aukatihia te tokomaha o āna uri ki taua wāhi, mahi ai i ngā taonga tuku iho mo te hi tuna.

Ko tā Millan Ruka no Te Uri Roroi, Te Māhurehure me Te Parawha, "Special for me today because we've all written about this particular place in our claim and now we're back here to claim it, but respectively so we can say this is our gathering place for pā tuna."

He rōpū Māori, he rōpū whakatika i te taiao e takahi ana i tēnei huarahi ki te awa o Te Wairua, i Tūtaewhero.

"For the last two months we've been denied access to come down to an eeling reserve. Eeling reserve was designated in the late 1800s as an eeling reserve for the hapū in the district here. But in particular it's in the whenua of Ngāti Kahu o Torongare."

Mō ngā tau maha kua roa rātou e hiahia ahu atu ana ki tēnei whenua, ēngari kua parakangia te huarahi nei e ngā kaiwhakahaere o tēnei pāmu. Ahakoa pēnā kua pēhea, e mea ana a Fiona Furrell ko te rori nei, he rori matua kē.

Ko tā Fiona Furrell says, "Mainly here for conservation reasons and to see what the river was like and because it is a public access. I think that New Zealanders have a right to access their public roads to the river and I think that would be well used by the Kayaks, tourists. It's important that we get here and see the condition of the river and the river banks and the lands surrounding."

Hei tā Millan Ruka, 'We've got our kaumātua here too, Pita Cherrington and other hapū right from here, who most of them haven't been able to visit this place in their lifetime."

I whakapā atu mātou ki a Bill Shepard, nānā tonu tētahi pāmu whenua e tata atu ana ki tēnei wahanga o Wairua awa, ki Tūtaewhero. Engari kāhore anō kia whakahoki kōrero mai mō tēnei take.