National | Elections

Mana Movement claims independent Māori voice has been lost in parliament

The Mana Movement is aggrieved that Parliament no longer has an independent Māori voice following the downfall of the Māori Party in last nights election and the retention of the Te Tai Tokerau seat by Labour Deputy leader Kelvin Davis.

“Māori have turned to support a party who won’t be the Government, so voting for Labour was a waste of  time,” says Mana Party leader Hone Harawira. He says that despite the results that saw all the Māori seats go back to Labour,  the fight for Māori will go on.

“Whether it’s a National or Labour Government, those in power continue to take resources from Māori,” he says.

Hone Harawira also says retaining resources in Muriwhenua and throughout Te Taitokerau and right across the country is the biggest struggle for our people. Hone Harawira thanked his whānau, the marae and Mana Party voters and supporters last night at Waimanoni Marae in the Far North following a result which saw Kelvin Davis retain the Te Taitokerau seat by more than 4000 votes.