E hia mano tāngata i Aotearoa kua tukuna i ō rātou pōti mō ngā kōwhiringa nui i tēnei wiki. Heoi mō ētahi o te hunga kāinga kore, ehara tēnei i te take nui ki a rātou.
E rima tekau mā toru ngā tau te pakeke o Cookie, ā, he rite nei tana noho ki ngā tiriti o Tāmaki Makaurau.
"I don't see whether I'm going to make a difference or the point. Most of the governments that I know that get in, they seem to say one thing before they get in and then change," e mea ana ia.
E ai ki ngā tatauranga a te kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, tōna rua tekau mā whā mano te hunga kāinga kore i te taone nui nei. Ēngari, mō ngēnei nā, kāore he aha te tuku pōti.
"I'm not voting this year, I didn't get my enrolment form in on time," tā James.
"The homeless don't care about voting whatsoever. Full stop," tā Ken.
"They're more interested in getting something in their tummies and a roof over the head would be more accurate than worrying about who’s getting into parliament and who’s getting big cash pay-outs."
E whakapau kaha ana ngā kaimahi ratonga toko i te ora o Te Whare Mīhana ki te whakatutuki i ngā hiahia. Ko te karanga o te kaiurungi, o Chris Farrelly, ki te kāwanatanga hōu, me whakamutu ake te noho kāinga kore.
"To create a strategy for New Zealand to end homelessness or at least be it brief, rare and non re-occurring. In order to do that, we need a national strategy," e mea ana a Farrelly.
Ko te pātai ki a ia mō ā rātou hiahia, e mea ana a Ken, "More understanding."
"Everyone needs money aye, everybody needs money," tā James.
"I think for me it will just employment, work," tā Cookie.
Ka taea tonu e te hunga kāinga kore te whakauru hei kaipōti, ēngari ko te tikanga me whakamōhio atu ia rātou wāhi noho mō te kotahi marama.
Heoi, kāore a Te Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri e mōhio tokohia o rātou i pōti, ka pōti rānei.