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Kua tūwhera te whare akoranga ā-rehe kaitā o te motu

Kātahi anō ka whakapuaretia te whare akoranga ā-rehe hou o Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka. He mea hanga hei tautoko i ngā tikanga ako ā-ringa o Te Whare Wānanga kia rite ai te wahi ako ki te wāhi mahi o ēnei rā, ā, kia kounga rawa ngā pūkenga o ngā tauira kia rite mārika ki te mahi.

Haruru te whare ā-rehe o Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka.

Ko Hohepa Renata (Ngāpuhi) Taura Here Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka. Hei tāna, "Te āhua rā e hūnuku ana te ao me hūnuku anō rā hoki rā ko Te Whare Wānanga ko ngā whare o mua rā kua āhua taretare kua tae te wā rā kia whakakīkī i roto i ngā hangarau o tēnei wā tonu nō reira koia pū te take e tū mai rā tēnei o ngā whare me ōna kaupapa."

Ko Mataaho te whare akoranga ā-rehe kaitā o te motu e kōpaki nei i ngā mahi ā-rehe maha.

E ai ki a Hohepa, "Ko mata, me kī, ko te pūkanohi mō ngā kaupapa mātauranga e whakahaerehia ki roto i te whare, me kī, ko te aho ko ngā huarahi e taea ai ngā tauira rā ki te takahi arā ki te carpentry, arā ki te plumbing gas fitting, arā ki te automotive anō rā hoki."

E mea ana a Renee Davies, Dean of Engineering, Construction and Infrastructure, "This building is trying to emulate a little of what you might find in a real workplace and also gives students the chance to interact and understand about the other disciplines that they'll be working with."

Ka whakamahia ngā tauira ki ngā taputapu o te ao hou kia whai pūkenga ai rātau i ēnei wheako.

He tauira motokā a Elaine Pereira (Ngāpuhi), "Not only as tauira do we get the same exposure to the stuff you would in a car but we have less risk now. We can have a tutu, understand all the components of a motokā before we get out there and have a real tutu on a motokā."

Mā ngā taputapu nei e hono atu ai Te Whare Wānanga o Waiaraka ki ngā kamupene hei whakaharatau kaimahi, ā, mā ēnei hononga e kitea ai ngā tauira ki ngā ahumahi.

He tauira kāmura a Dave Simpson. Hei tāna, "I think it's invaluable because when you go out into the industry itself you've already got a whole lot of knowledge behind you and employers will look at that and think that's fantastic."

Nō te wiki nei i tūwhera ōkawa ai te whare.