National | Awanui Black

He waka whakapai hinu e $600,000 te wāriu hei tohu whakamaumahara ki a Te Awanuiārangi Black

He waka whakapai hinu hei tohu whakamaumahara ki a Te Awanuiārangi Black. I hinga te rangatira o Tauranga Moana i tēra tau i muri i tana tohutanga anō ki te tūru o Mauao i runga i te kaunihera o Tauranga.

Ko Awanui tēnei, he waka whakapai puke hinu ono rau mano tāra i utua e te Kaunihera ā Rohe o Te Waiariki hei tohu whakamaumahara ki a Te Awanuiārangi Black.

Ēngari, ko tā tētahi hoa piri tata o Te Awanuiārangi Black, me whānui ake te tirohanga o te kaunihera i te whakapai puke hinu kia kawea tonutia ōna moemoeā.

"The taniwha in the awa or the elephant in the room I believe is not the oil and good on the council for spending 600,000 for that waka but I think it could have been better spent looking at what we're doing to our harbour."

E ai ki a Wilson, me whai whakaaro te kaunihera ki ngā pānga ā-taiao a ngā kamupene pērā i a Balance Agri-Nutrients me Seeka Huka Pak ki te hauora o Tauranga Moana.

"This is the biggest phosphate importer that ends up on the farms, ends up growing quick grass and lots of cows who urinate on the land and the nitrification ends up in our waterways, hence we have 80% of our waterways unsuitable to swim in."

I toro atu a Te Kāea ki Te Kaunihera ā Rohe o Te Waiariki, Balance Agri-Nutrients me Seeka Huka Pak engari kāore rātou i tuku whakautu mai.