Today, Te Matapihi has taken the national stage as the third and final rōpū to represent Aotea rohe at Te Matatini 2017.
Representing all hapū and marae of Te Awa Tipua and their iwi Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi (Whanganui), Te Matapihi competed in their first regional competition in 1997 and have competed in all subsequent Te Matatini festivals excluding 2011.
The Group's mission statement is 'Te Matapihi - gateway to the future, window to the past'.
Their core values are whanganuitanga, te reo me ona tikanga and whanaungatanga.
Te Matapihi is tutored by Te Oranga Whanarere, Luke Whanarere, Pepe Shanell Wallace and Rāwiri Tinirau. They are led by kaitātaki tane Luke Whanarere and kaitātaki wahine Te Oranga Whanarere.
They have chosen to share their waiata-ā-ringa, 'Tēra ia te tautara ki Taupiri'. The waiata is an acknowledgment to King Tūheitia, the aristocracy, whakapapa connections and the naming and baptism of his daughter, Ngā Wai Hono i te Pō, by the Whanganui people.